
Masahito Koshinaka's Works On View at NEWoMan Shinjuku

February 10, 2018

NEWoMan 藝術牆展示:越中正人
展覽日期 Dates|2018. 2. 01 - 2018. 2. 28
installation view at NEWoMan Shinjuku





Although the unbearable winter days continue both in Taipei and Tokyo, we are happy to share that the main windows of NEWoMan at Shinjuku station have already changed into works created by our artist Masahito Koshinaka, signifying a sense of Spring that we all look forward to. Masahito Koshinaka has been exploring the relationships between “group” and “individual”. He uses photography and video to capture various motifs such as fire, star, flower, people, and others in order to seek the meaning of individual and its relationship to a group in which individuals gather of their own accord. The current presentation at Shinjuku station shows the flower series that not only symbolize the image of Spring, but also reveal the underlying meaning of the group and the individual. We sincerely invite those who are planning to visit Tokyo soon to stop by Shinjuku station and feel the art works surrounding the building. galerie nichido Taipei is also planning to show new works of Masahito Koshinaka this year in Taiwan. Please follow us for more information.

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