Galerie Nichido Paris

Hachiro Kanno

from march, 13th to april 24th

du mardi au samedi de 10h30 à 13h et de 14h à 19h

Diptyque, technique mixte sur papier

Installions, Performances et commandes publiques

"Permanescence" Performance, Abbaye de Saint-Florent-le-Vieil, St.-Florent-le-Vieil , France
2008 :
"Permanescence" Lions International club Saint- Denis Basilique, Saint Denis , France
2007 :
"Permanescence" Installation , "3eme Biennal d'Issy" , Issy , France
: "Permanescence" Installation and performance, " PACA Patrimoine III ", Angers , France
2006 :
"Permanescence" Installation and performance, City of Autun, France
: "The art of ink", Naphlion Festival, Greece
2005 :
"Permanescence" Installation , International Art-Center, Hammamet, Tunisia
2004 :
"Permanescence" Installation and performance -
Museum of Fine Arts of Tochigi-Pref., Utsunomiya, Japan
- Editing « Promenade au Japon » & « Promenade en Provence »
at Albin Michel-Editors Paris , France
2003 :
"Permanescence" C.Pleser Gallery , Munich, Germany
2002 :
Joint performance (japanese tea and ink) with M. Knippals "Gingko-an", Köln, Germany
: Performance « L'Art de l'encre » Carthage (under the patronage of the Tunisian Ministery of Culture
and of the Japanese Ambassy in Tunisia) Tunisia
: Invitation (by the above mentionned) for a month stay at the Villa
Sebastien- International Art-Center, Hammamet, Tunisia
2001 :
"Permanescence", Galerie Sordini, Marseille, France
1999 :
"Permanescence", Centre d'Art Passerelle, Brest, France
: "Permanescence", Itten Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
1998 :
"Permanescence", Stationen, Norderstedt, Germany
1997 :
"Permanescence", Cosmic works, Ploneour-Lanvern, Brittany,
(under the patronage of the Japanese Embassy) France
"Permanescence", Canon Building, Duisburg, Germany
1996 :
"Permanescence", Landart Dersau, Germany
1994 :
« Permanescence », Performance, Dusseldorf, Germany
1993 :
"Eien no shunji-Permanescence" Tochigi Prefecture Hall, Utsunomiya, Japan
1991 :
"Permanescence", Galerie Cultart, Montréal, Canada
: "Permanescence", Isle Lommel Gallery, Leverkusen, Germany
1990 : "Plein est Vide", Art Forum Yanaka, Tokyo, Japan
: "Plein est Vide", The Budapest National Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
: "Concerto for flute and ink", joint performance with Jean Cohen-Solal, Festival d'Avignon, France

1989 :
"Plein est Vide", Opéra de Lille, France
"Plein est Vide", Kurobane Cultural Center, Japan
: "The art of ink in Japan", William Paterson, Art school and Visual Art school, New York, USA
1988 :
"Eternity", Wall sculpture at Minaminasu Town Hall, Japan
: "Eternity", Summer Solstice Event, Minaminasu, Japan
: "Plein est Vide", Porte de Versailles, Paris, France
1987 :
"Plein est Vide", Cultural Center of Colmar,
(under the patronage of the Japanese Embassy) France
1986 :
-Joint performance(japanese flute and ink) with Mitsuhashi Kifu, Avignon, France
-Galerie Guilde Graphique, Montréal, Canada
"Plein est Vide", St. Peter's Church, New york, USA
1984 :
"Eternity", CAC of Corbeil, France
1983 :
-Museum of Ethnography, Geneve, Switzerland
: -City Hall of Nantes (medal of the City), France
: -Art Museum of Milano, Italy
1982 :
"Plein est Vide", AcApA Gallery, Angoulême, France
1981 :
-Set, design, scenery, costumes and direction for "Opéras Contemporains"
by the Opéra of Paris, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
1980 :
"The Art of ink", lecture and demonstration
Museum of Fine Arts, Bern, Switzerland
1978 :
-Opéra of Paris - Costumes, scenery and acting for the ballet "Year of the
Horse" presented by Carolyn Carlson, Paris, France
1974 :
"Hisho", Wall sculpture, Minaminasu, Japan
Expositions personnelles
2013 :
"Permanescence" Galerie Mori-Ôgai-Gedenskstätte, Berlin, Allemagne
2012 :
-"Permanescence", Galerie Nichido, Paris, France
- « Permanescence » Atelier 28, Lyon
2010 :
-"Permanescence", Galerie Nichido, Paris, France
2008 :
-"Permanescence", Galerie Nichido, Paris, France
: -"Permanescence" Lions International club Saint- Denis Basilique, Saint Denis, France
2006 :
-"Permanescence", Galerie Nichido, Paris, France
: -"Permanescence", C.C. Villeneuve d'Asq, France
: -"Permanescence", Galerie Tcha-Yuan, Lille, France
2005 :
-"Permanescence", International Art-Center, Hammamet, Tunisia
2003 :
-"Permanescence", C.Pleser Gallery, Munich , Germany
2002 :
- Centre Culturel Sophonisbe, Carthage
(under the patronage of the Tunisian Ministery of Culture
and of the Japanese Ambassy in Tunisia) Tunisia
2001 :
-Galerie Sordini, Marseille, France
« Permanescence », Plaza Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2000 :
"Permanescence", Stadt Norderstedt Forum Kultur, Germany
"Permanescence", Itten Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
1999 :
"Permanescence", Plaza Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
"Permanescence", Wattsu Gallery, Tokyo, Japan

"Permanescence", Galerie d'Art Contemporain "Passerelle" Brest, France
"Permanescence", Itten Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
1998 :
"Paris métrotique", Itten Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
"Permanescence", Isle Lommel Gallery, Leverkusen, Germany
"Permanescence", Stationen, Performance, Norderstedt, Germany
"Paravents" , Patrick Roy Gallery, Lausanne, Switzerland
1997 :
"Permanescence", Canon Building, Duisburg, Germany
-Mairie de Ploneour-Lanvern, Pays Bigouden, Brittany, France
(under the patronage of the Japanese Embassy), France
"Permanescence", Event House of Minaminasu, Japan
- Abbey of Brauweiler, 9 Kunstler market, Brauweiler, Germany
- Salons Le Coq Gadby, Rennes, France
1996 :
"Permanescence", Neumärker Gallery, Art Fair, Strasbourg, France
"Permanescence", Plötner Gallery, Dersau, Germany
"KANNO from 70 to 80 ", Event House of Minaminasu, Japan
1995 :
"Permanescence", Cultural Center of Offenburg, Germany
"Permanescence", Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, France
1994 :
"Permanescence", Atelier 80, Paris, France
1993 :
"Permanescence", Tochigi Prefecture Hall, Utsunomiya, Japan
1992 :
-Yorosu Gallery, Karasuyama, Japan
1991 :
"Permanescence", Galerie Cultart, Montréal, France
"Permanescence", Galerie Isle Lommel, Leverkusen, Germany
1990 :
"Plein est Vide", Art Forum Yanaka, Tokyo, Japan
"Plein est Vide", The Budapest National Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
-Galerie l'Atelier, L'Isle sur la Sorgue, France
1988 :
-Marin Cultural Center, Martinique, France
-Galerie Enigme, Tokyo, Japan
-Galeries Lafayette, Paris, France
1987 :
"Plein est Vide", Focus Gallery, Lausanne, Switzerland
"Shiki Soku Ze Ku", Wadachi Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
-Galerie Janette Ostier, Paris, France
-Presentation of the book "Rencontres d'Eternité"
-Studio Bateau Lavoir, Paris, France
"Plein est Vide", Cultural Center of Colmar, France
1986 :
"Plein est Vide", Ellen Price Gallery, New york, USA
"Plein est Vide", Galerie Guilde Graphique, Montréal, France
"Plein est Vide", Galerie Cour 21, Nantes, France
1985 :
"Paris-Poems", Galerie Mirage, Tokyo, Japan
"Plein est Vide", Espace Kiron, Paris, France
"Paris-Poems", C. Baudelaire Cultural Center, Mauritius

"Return to Nature", Odakyu Gallery, Tokyo,
(under the patronage of the French Embassy), Japan
"Plein est Vide", Galerie Anne-Marie Rey, Nice, France
1983 :
"Plein est Vide", Galerie Bohren, Geneve, Switzerland
"Plein est Vide", Galerie du Nouveau Théatre, Belfort, France
-Museum of Ethnography, Geneve, Switzerland
-Art Museum of Milano, Italy
1982 :
"Plein est Vide", Galerie Cutzarida, Paris, France
-Sorko Gallery, Nuremberg, Germany
-Odakyu Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
1980 :
-Galerie Janette Ostier, Paris, France
1979 :
-C.A.F. des Champs Elysées "Autour du thé"
(under the patronage of the Japanese Embassy), Paris, France
-Galerie Janette Ostier, Paris, France
-Galerie Suffren, Nantes, France
-List Gallery, Heidelberg, Allemagne
1977 :
-Galerie Janette Ostier, Paris, France
1968 : -Gekkoso Gallery, Tokyo, Japon
Expositions de groupe
2011 :
"Un Souffle venu d'Asie"Centre d'art contemporain, Abbaye de Beaulieu, France
2008 :
"Permanescence" Lions International club Saint- Denis Basilique, Saint Denis, France
2007 -
"Une beauté violante à en perdre la raison", La Biennale d'Issy,
Museé de la carte à jouer , Issy les moulineaux , France
- " PACA Patrimoine III ", l'Orbière à St Georges-des-Sept-Voies , France
2005 -
"Grands formats", PACA, Angers, France
2004 -
"Distance", Tochigi Prefectural Museum of Fine Arts, Utsunomiya, Japon
2002 -
"Klang der Stille" Ginkgo-an - Köln, Allemagne
1990 -
Tochigi Prefectural Museum of Fine Arts, Utsunomiya, Japon
1989 -
"Selection of Art and Literature" Cultural Center, Minaminasu, Japon
- International 57 Gallery, New york, USA
1986 -
"Autour des mots" with Michel Butor, Museum of Fine Arts of Valence
and Médiathèque of Avignon, France
1985 -
Hall du Centenaire, Principauté de Monaco
1984 -
"Ecriture", CAC de Corbeil, France
1983 -
Museum of Fine Arts, Milano, Italie
1981 -
"Premio Lubiam" Museum of fine Arts, Mantova (first prize), Italie

Musées et Collections publiques
Museum Residezgalerie Salzburg, Salzbourg, Autriche
Musée du Château Royal de Provence, Tarascon, France
Museum of Fine Arts of Tochigi-Prefecture, Utsunomiya, Japon
Art Forum Yanaka, Tokyo, Japon
Museum of Mantova, Italie
Museum of Bern, Suisse
Musée d'Ethnographie, Genève, Suisse
Museum of Fine Arts of Nuremberg , Allemagne
Museum of Minaminasu, Japon
Museum of Modern Arts of Montreal, Canada

Galerie Nichido Paris Galerie Nichido Paris : MAP
61, Faubourg Saint-Honoré 75008 Paris

Tél. : 01 42 66 62 86
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